herb seedlings and cuttings BIO

▶ ecologically certified young plants and cuttings from own production (peppermint, tarragon, sage, Roman chamomile etc.)
▶ delivery from late April to early October possible (minimum order quantity 2.500 pieces)
▶ We produce seedlings of all varieties of our herbal seed shops
If you dont found you variety/sort/quantity, which you are looking for, please send us a mail ina.aedtner@pharmasaat.de. Or use our contact form. We will make you an offer!
Anthemis nobilis / Chamaemelum nobile, Roman Chamomile, Doksan
Artemisia drancunculus, german Tarragon
Mentha rotundifolia, Apple mint
Mentha rotundifolia ‚Bowles’
Apple mint
Mint with soft green leaves, leaves with hairs, aromatically mintflavour, used in mixed teas with dragons head or Korean mint
Mentha spicata var. crispa, Nane mint bio
Mentha spicata var. crispa
Nane mint
Curly dark green leaves, very delicious tea, oil 3,1 %
Delivery is not available before April
Mentha spicata var. spicata, Moroccan mint bio
Mentha spicata var. spicata
Moroccan mint
Mint rich in leaves with light curly leaves, very aromatically
Delivery is not available before April
Mentha x piperita, Peppermint 'Multimentha'
very reliable and high in yield, selected rust-resistent polyploid variety; content of leaves 67 %; volatile oil 3,2 %; menthol about. 22,8 %
from continual conservation breeding
Delivery is not available before April
Mentha x piperita, Peppermint 'Multimentha' organic
very reliable and high in yield, selected rust-resistent polyploid variety; content of leaves 67 %; volatile oil 3,2 %; menthol about. 22,8 %
from continual conservation breeding
Delivery is not available before April
Salvia officinalis, Sage, Common organic
Delivery is not available before April
leaf rich, large leafes , little flowers; 1,8 % - 2,5 % volatile oil, alpha thujone 0,94%. beta Thujone 0,12%
Satureja montana ssp. citriodora, Savory, Lemon organic
Selection Artern
Intensive lemon flavour, robust with a good winter hardiness