tea and herb production

- Here you will find plants which are mainly used for leaf or herb production of medicinal and aromatic plants (tea, extracts, juices, etc.)
The values given here come from sampling our propagation stocks in Germany. These ingredients are subject to natural fluctuations, which are determined by climatic and cultivation factors, which we can not control/influence as a seed supplier.
Malva sylvestris var. mauritiana, Mallow, Blue
Melissa officinalis, Lemon balm
‚Quedlinburger Niederliegende‘
Melissa officinalis, Lemon balm
Melissa officinalis, Lemon balm
Petroselinum crispum, Parsley
‚Giganta d’ Italia’
Petroselinum crispum, Parsley
Petroselinum crispum, smooth Parsley
Smooth leaves 'Einfache Schnitt'
Plantago lanceolata, Plantain Lanceleaf
Reseda luteola, Reseda
origin rich in luteolin
Ruta graveolens, Garden Rue
‚Origin Artern’
Salvia officinalis, Sage, Common
Salvia sclarea, Clary sage
Salvia sclarea, Clary sage
Solidago virgaurea, Goldrute Echte 'B-Typ'