CTA - Biosaatgut
Organic seeds

Organic seeds and organic plants

Since 1997 we produce seeds of medicinal and aromatic plants under the EU Directive (EC - Eco Regulation).



Organic seeds according to the EU directive

The cultivated area has grown every year and now amounts to about 3 ha of course we work closely with organic farmers who grow for us seed, for it has been found that at our site in Artern not everything grows so well as elsewhere.

In such cases, we obtain the seed from Germany or other countries, increases in climates similar to ours are here. Since 2002, our greenhouse and film surfaces for seedling production are certified organic. All cuttings and seedlings are thus naturally from organic production.

Biologische Produktion von Stecklingen und Sämlichen von Kräutern, Arznei- und Gewürzpflanzen

Organic production

Ecologically certified

Our greenhouse and foil areas for growing young plants have also been ecologically certified since 2002.
All cuttings and of course also seedlings come from organic production.

Our production manager and consultant, Ina Aedtner working actively on the board of Ökoplant drive with (www.oekoplant-ev.de) to the organic cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants or to make progress on a solid foundation.

Furthermore, we participate in projects that deal with ORGANIC SEEDS production and seed treatment products. All in all, organic farming developed very positively and we will continue to work to keep it that way!


Organic cultivation

Positive development

All in all, organic farming has developed very positively and we will continue to work to ensure that it stays that way!

Please inform yourself in our online shop about seeds and planting material of different varieties in ecological quality!

Ökologisch zertifizierte Produktion von Saatgut und Jungpflanzen für Kräuter, Arznei- und Gewürzpflanzen

Convince yourself of our capabilities!

We would be happy to make you an individual offer for your seed needs! Please send us your request for seeds and seedlings of medicinal plants as well as aromatic plants.

Request offer



PHARMASAAT Arznei- und Gewürzpflanzen Saatzucht GmbH
Am Westbahnhof 4
D - 06556 Artern


Tel./Fax: + 49 (0) 34 66 / 32 45 99

Email Adressen

General: info@pharmasaat.de
Manager, Mr. Dirk Aedtner: dirk.aedtner@pharmasaat.de
Production, Consulting, Mrs. Ina Aedtner: ina.aedtner@pharmasaat.de



Liebe Kunden,

wir sind aus Urlaubsgründen vom  07.08. bis 25.08. 2024  nicht erreichbar.


Dear customers,

from  07.08. –25.08. 2024  there will be no shipping due to holiday reasons.