CTA - Unsere Stärken

Our many years of experience and expertise make us a reliable partner.

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Unsere Stärken Content

Our strenghts

Ringelblume aus Biosaatgut

Proven varieties of medicinal and aromatic plants do you get from the continual conservation breeding or in original quality.

Kamille aus ökologisch zertifiziertem Anbau

Of Matricaria recutita (chamomile), we can offer several varieties, each suited to produce tea or extraction.

Feld mit Kerbel Jungpflanzen

We offer new varieties with high ingredient levels and breeding origins worked with good production qualities as a basis for first class dry herbs.

Ernte von ökologisch angebauten Kräutern, Arznei- und Gewürzpflanzen

Our technology, combined with improvisation skills and expertise, we are an ideal partner for the practical realization of cultivation and experimental projects

Ökologisch zertifizierte Kräuter, Arznei- und Gewürzpflanzen

We breed according to your plants of homeopathy or renewable raw materials (fibers nettles, licorice, Aconitum and others).

Biosaatgut und Keimlinge von Kräutern, Arznei- und Gewürzpflanzen

The seedling production is one of our strengths. We can increase your plant stock or make use of our range of various species (Artemisia dracunculus [French tarragon] Lipia citriodora, Stevia, Mentha rotundifolia, fruit mints, etc.).

Biologische Produktion von Saatgut und Jungpflanzen Kräutern, Arznei- und Gewürzpflanzen

Your breeding success is with us in good hands. We increase your grades and origins exclusively to fixed prices in top quality.

Purity is the basis for successful, cost-effective cultivation in the field.

Keimlinge von Kräutern, Arznei- und Gewürzpflanzen

Our seed is tested for purity and germination. Only high-quality seed leaves our house.


Convince yourself of our capabilities!

We would be happy to make you an individual offer for your seed needs! Please send us your request for seeds and seedlings of medicinal plants as well as aromatic plants.

Request offer



PHARMASAAT Arznei- und Gewürzpflanzen Saatzucht GmbH
Am Westbahnhof 4
D - 06556 Artern


Tel./Fax: + 49 (0) 34 66 / 32 45 99

Email Adressen

General: info@pharmasaat.de
Manager, Mr. Dirk Aedtner: dirk.aedtner@pharmasaat.de
Production, Consulting, Mrs. Ina Aedtner: ina.aedtner@pharmasaat.de


Liebe Kunden,

wir sind aus Urlaubsgründen vom  07.08. bis 25.08. 2024  nicht erreichbar.


Dear customers,

from  07.08. –25.08. 2024  there will be no shipping due to holiday reasons.